Friday, April 20, 2007


I have posted 2 more chapters on Chapati Moments at Navel Gazing. The latest on Androo & Maya is at:

And the previous one "Uncle Veloo's Den of Disrepute" is at

I remember now why I started writing Chapati Moments. I had this idea after the Bench & Bar Games 2006 (see my earlier postings last year). I was writing about the antics of the Malaysian lawyer and the Singaporean lawyer who are both Indian men and in it, I started calling it my own Tamil movie where I was this character called Letchumy.

There are now 4 chapters of Chapati Moments posted in the Navel Gazing blog. Each are written in different styles. Its not done purposely. It just happened that way as even I don't know where its going and how it should be written each time. So we'll see where this goes...

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